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时间:2024-08-28 19:48:51 英语作文 我要投稿

  送走了炎热的夏天,迎来了凉爽的秋天,我们开学啦。这个学期和以前不一样,在外婆的小毛驴上多了一位新成员,他就是我最亲爱的妹妹。 到了学校门口,我迫不及待地拉着妹妹奔向一(1)班,为什么呢?因为我妹妹是一(1)班的新学员,我真为他感到骄傲和自豪,妹妹也很快地跑进教室,用他胖嘟嘟的小手,和我“说”再见。 就这样,我们就开始了,新的一学期希望妹妹可以快点加入到新的学习中去。

  Sent off the hot summer, ushered in the cool autumn, we start school. This semester is different from before. There is a new member on Grandma's donkey. He is my dearest sister. At the school gate, I can't wait to take my sister to class 1, why? Because my sister is a new student of class 1, I'm really proud of him, and my sister quickly ran into the classroom, and said goodbye to me with his chubby hands. In this way, we will start the new semester, I hope my sister can quickly join in the new study.