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About Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony_1000字

时间:2024-08-28 19:48:50 英语作文 我要投稿
About Beijing Olympic Opening Ceremony_1000字

  The Olympic Opening Ceremony was an international event and the whole world was watching! The event was held in a stadium designed to seat a large group of people.
  The athletes entered the stadium in a specific order. The athletes from Greece entered first in honor of the original Olympics held in Greece. Then, the other athletes followed by nation in the alphabetical order of the host country’s language. The host country’s athletes came last. So for this coming Olympics 2008, the athletes from China will enter the stadium last.  The chief of state of the host country declared the games open, followed by the raising of the Olympic Flag. Music was played and fireworks were set off in salute. Then, doves were released into the air as a symbol of peace. Runners in cross-country relays brought in the Olympic torch. The running of the torch began four weeks before the Olympic ceremony and thousands of runners took part in this. Planes and ships transported the Olympic torch to each country that lies between Greece and the host country. The most exciting moment of the Olympic cere[复习必备 | 海量免费学习视频资源学而思轻课APP”>>>点击了解]mony was when the torch entered the stadium and lit the Olympic Flame. The Flame was kept burning until the end of the Olympic games.