There is a river in my hometown, the fish was very clear water,, shrimp and crab. In the summer we often lower river to play, because the water is cool, the bottom of the stones can be seen very clearly, but now......
The ugly and dirty, now nobody down the river to play, but in the summer it will rain, the water will rise, and then the water is clean, now we are in the evening under the river to wash clothes and play. The river in my hometown can[复习必备 | 海量免费学习视频资源学而思轻课APP”>>>点击了解] finally see the light! 我的家乡有一条河,本来很清的水,有鱼,虾还有螃蟹。在夏天我们经常下河去玩,因为河水很凉很清,水底的石头都能很清楚的看见,可是现在……
河水又丑又脏,现在都没有人下河去玩了,还好到了夏天就会下大雨,河水就会涨,然后河水就干净了,现在我们都会在傍晚的时候下河去洗衣服和玩耍。 家乡的河终于能重见光明了!